The Greatest Legacy Of Steve Jobs? Freedom From Pornography.

never could be any other
5 min readDec 11, 2013

The Apple of Tim Cook is not the Apple of Steve Jobs. Tim Cook’s two major hires at the helm of the world’s biggest technology company are Paul Deneve, formerly of Yves Saint Laurent, and Angela Ahrendts, formerly of Burberry. The current CEO is clearly intent upon transforming Apple into “attainable, affordable, casual luxury.”

This strikes me as absolutely the right decision for all holders of $AAPL, but I have serious doubts that it’s going to change the world.

Steve Jobs absolutely wanted to change the world.

Steve Jobs did change the world.

Steve Jobs gave us the tools to change the world.

Jobs built a business — a self-sustaining, profit-making entity — that literally and profoundly changed the world. More than once.

It’s easy to point to Jobs’s many world-changing achievements. I think his greatest achievement may be one almost never discussed: freedom from pornography.

Not the Apple, not the Mac, not iPod, iTunes, iPhone, iPad, iOS or the software, standards or accessories, not the stores, not even Apple itself matters most. Rather, a thriving, highly profitable, beloved and nearly billion-user strong ecosystem of hardware, software, content and services that is porn free.

